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The dog unit has arrived... all made in blender with substance painter for the materials/textures. most of the modelling made with boolean modifieres and there a bit of regular poly modelling too, rendered using the eevee renderer, around 20-30 seconds a frame on a laptop with a 2bg graphics card.

Dog-unit has arrived on the scene. 4k render of final image.

Dog-unit has arrived on the scene. 4k render of final image.

with a little camera truck

eevee realtime viewport render

close up of the dog

close up of the dog

close up of the bot

close up of the bot

dog and bot

dog and bot

dog, bot and car

dog, bot and car

dog, bot and car

dog, bot and car

dog, bot and car

dog, bot and car

final image 2k

final image 2k

video of the dog being made all in blender and substance, mostly boolean modelling, sped up from about 1 hour to 5 mins.